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Hotline: (+88) 01633 241 119


Grow Lights; The savior in the indoor plants’ kingdom

All life on earth depends on energy from the sun. Nearly all plant life requires light too develop and flourish. When it comes to creating a true indoor jungle in the 21st century, the lack of natural light is the largest obstacle people face. Technology is there to help whenever humankind encounters a problem. Just […]

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REPOTTING PLANTS: everything you want to know

Any plant uses a container of some sort to call home. The plant will need its shelter modified to support its growing size and to provide space for its offspring. If you’re repotting your plants anyway—perhaps to give them a facelift or a nutritional boost—they’ll appreciate the adjustment and reward you with a plethora of […]

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Watering Hacks: Top Tips What To Do

When should I water your plants? What is a plant’s daily water requirement? How much water do potted plants require? Is it possible that I’m overwatering my plants? What is the best way to water plants? These are typical concerns voiced by gardeners. Don’t forget to pay attention. While watering plants is important, no water […]

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